Source code for cerise.test.fixture_jobs

from cerise.back_end.file import File

[docs]class PassJob: """A simple job with no inputs or outputs. """ workflow = bytes( '#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner\n' '\n' 'cwlVersion: v1.0\n' 'class: CommandLineTool\n' 'baseCommand: echo\n' 'inputs: []\n' 'outputs: []\n', 'utf-8')
[docs] def local_input(local_baseurl): """Argument is local input dir for this job. That's normally local_exchange / input / job_name. """ return '{}'
local_input_files = [] input_content = {} required_num_cores = 0 time_limit = 0
[docs] def remote_input(job_remote_workdir): return {}
remote_input_files = []
[docs] def remote_output(job_remote_workdir): """Argument is remote work dir for this job. """ return '{}\n'
output_files = [] output_content = {} local_output = '{}'
[docs]class HostnameJob: """A simple job with no inputs and one output. """ workflow = bytes( '#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner\n' '\n' 'cwlVersion: v1.0\n' 'class: Workflow\n' 'inputs: []\n' 'outputs:\n' ' host:\n' ' type: File\n' ' outputSource: hostname/output\n' '\n' 'steps:\n' ' hostname:\n' ' run: test/hostname.cwl\n' ' out:\n' ' [output]\n' 'hints:\n' ' TimeLimit: 101\n', 'utf-8')
[docs] def local_input(local_baseurl): return '{}'
local_input_files = [] input_content = {} required_num_cores = 2 time_limit = 101
[docs] def remote_input(job_remote_workdir): return {}
remote_input_files = []
[docs] def remote_output(job_remote_workdir): return ('{{ "host": {{ "class": "File", "location": "{}/output.txt" }}' ' }}\n').format(job_remote_workdir)
output_files = [File('host', None, 'output.txt', [])] output_content = {'output.txt': b'hostname\n'} local_output = ('{ "host": { "class": "File", "location": "output.txt" }' '}\n')
[docs]class WcJob: """A simple job with an input file and an output file. """ workflow = bytes( '#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner\n' '\n' 'cwlVersion: v1.0\n' 'class: Workflow\n' 'inputs:\n' ' file:\n' ' type: File\n' '\n' 'outputs:\n' ' counts:\n' ' type: File\n' ' outputSource: wc/output\n' '\n' 'steps:\n' ' wc:\n' ' run: test/wc.cwl\n' ' in:\n' ' file: file\n' ' out:\n' ' [output]\n' '\n' 'hints:\n' ' ResourceRequirement:\n' ' coresMin: 3\n', 'utf-8')
[docs] def local_input(local_baseurl): return ('{ "file": { "class": "File", "location":' '"%shello_world.txt" } }') % local_baseurl
local_input_files = [File('file', None, 'hello_world.txt', [])] input_content = { 'hello_world.txt': bytes( 'Hello, World!\n' '\n' 'Here is a test file for the staging test.\n' '\n', 'utf-8')} required_num_cores = 3 time_limit = 60
[docs] def remote_input(job_remote_workdir): return { 'file': { 'class': 'File', 'location': '{}/01_hello_world.txt'.format( job_remote_workdir) } }
remote_input_files = [('file', '01_hello_world.txt', bytes( 'Hello, World!\n' '\n' 'Here is a test file for the staging test.\n' '\n', 'utf-8'))]
[docs] def remote_output(job_remote_workdir): return ('{{ "output": {{ "class": "File", "location": "{}/output.txt"' ' }} }}\n').format(job_remote_workdir)
output_files = [ File('output', None, 'output.txt', [])] output_content = {'output.txt': b' 4 11 58 hello_world.txt'} local_output = ('{ "output": { "class": "File", "location": "output.txt"' ' } }\n')
[docs]class SlowJob: workflow = bytes( '#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner\n' '\n' 'cwlVersion: v1.0\n' 'class: Workflow\n' 'steps:\n' ' sleep:\n' ' run: test/sleep.cwl\n' ' in:\n' ' delay:\n' ' default: 1\n' '\n' 'inputs: []\n' '\n' 'outputs: []\n', 'utf-8')
[docs] def local_input(local_baseurl): return '{}'
local_input_files = [] input_content = {} required_num_cores = 0 time_limit = 0
[docs] def remote_input(job_remote_workdir): return {}
remote_input_files = []
[docs] def remote_output(job_remote_workdir): return '{}'
output_files = [] output_content = {} local_output = '{}'
[docs]class SecondaryFilesJob: """A simple job with an input file with a secondary file. """ workflow = bytes( '#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner\n' '\n' 'cwlVersion: v1.0\n' 'class: Workflow\n' 'inputs:\n' ' file:\n' ' type: File\n' '\n' 'outputs:\n' ' counts:\n' ' type: File\n' ' outputSource: wc/output\n' '\n' 'steps:\n' ' wc:\n' ' run: test/secondary_files.cwl\n' ' in:\n' ' textfile: file\n' ' out:\n' ' [output]\n', 'utf-8')
[docs] def local_input(local_baseurl): return '''{{ "file": {{ "class": "File", "location": "{0}hello_world.txt", "secondaryFiles": [{{ "class": "File", "location": "{0}hello_world.2nd" }}] }} }}'''.format(local_baseurl)
def _make_local_input_files(): input_file = File('file', None, 'hello_world.txt', []) input_file.secondary_files = [File(None, None, 'hello_world.2nd', [])] return [input_file] local_input_files = _make_local_input_files() input_content = { 'hello_world.txt': bytes( 'Hello, World!\n' '\n' 'Here is a test file for the staging test.\n' '\n', 'utf-8'), 'hello_world.2nd': b'Hello, secondaryFiles!'} required_num_cores = 0 time_limit = 0
[docs] def remote_input(job_remote_workdir): return { 'file': { 'class': 'File', 'location': '{}/01_hello_world.txt'.format( job_remote_workdir), 'secondaryFiles': [{ 'class': 'File', 'location': '{}/02_hello_world.2nd'.format( job_remote_workdir), }] } }
remote_input_files = [ ('file', '01_hello_world.txt', bytes( 'Hello, World!\n' '\n' 'Here is a test file for the staging test.\n' '\n', 'utf-8')), ('file', '02_hello_world.2nd', bytes( 'Hello, secondaryFiles!', 'utf-8')) ]
[docs] def remote_output(job_remote_workdir): return ('{{ "counts": {{ "class": "File", "location": "{}/output.txt"' ' }} }}\n').format(job_remote_workdir)
output_files = [File('counts', None, 'output.txt', [])] output_content = {'output.txt': b' 4 11 58 hello_world.txt'} local_output = ('{ "counts": { "class": "File", "location": "output.txt"' ' } }\n')
[docs]class FileArrayJob: """A simple job with an array of input files. """ workflow = bytes( '#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner\n' '\n' 'cwlVersion: v1.0\n' 'class: Workflow\n' 'inputs:\n' ' files:\n' ' type: File[]\n' '\n' 'outputs:\n' ' counts:\n' ' type: File\n' ' outputSource: wc/output\n' '\n' 'steps:\n' ' wc:\n' ' run: test/file_array.cwl\n' ' in:\n' ' files: files\n' ' out:\n' ' [output]\n', 'utf-8')
[docs] def local_input(local_baseurl): return '''{{ "files": [ {{ "class": "File", "location": "{0}hello_world.txt" }}, {{ "class": "File", "location": "{0}hello_world.2nd" }}] }}'''.format(local_baseurl)
def _make_local_input_files(): input_file_1 = File('files', 0, 'hello_world.txt', []) input_file_2 = File('files', 1, 'hello_world.2nd', []) return [input_file_1, input_file_2] local_input_files = _make_local_input_files() input_content = { 'hello_world.txt': bytes( 'Hello, World!\n' '\n' 'Here is a test file for the staging test.\n' '\n', 'utf-8'), 'hello_world.2nd': b'Hello, file arrays!'} required_num_cores = 0 time_limit = 60
[docs] def remote_input(job_remote_workdir): return { 'files': [{ 'class': 'File', 'location': '{}/01_hello_world.txt'.format( job_remote_workdir) }, { 'class': 'File', 'location': '{}/02_hello_world.2nd'.format( job_remote_workdir) }] }
remote_input_files = [ ('files', '01_hello_world.txt', bytes( 'Hello, World!\n' '\n' 'Here is a test file for the staging test.\n' '\n', 'utf-8')), ('files', '02_hello_world.2nd', bytes( 'Hello, file arrays!', 'utf-8')) ]
[docs] def remote_output(job_remote_workdir): return ('{{ "counts": {{ "class": "File", "location": "{}/output.txt"' ' }} }}\n').format(job_remote_workdir)
output_files = [File('counts', None, 'output.txt', [])] output_content = {'output.txt': b' 4 11 58 hello_world.txt'} local_output = ('{{ "counts": {{ "class": "File", "location": "output.txt"' ' }} }}\n')
[docs]class LongRunningJob: workflow = bytes( '#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner\n' '\n' 'cwlVersion: v1.0\n' 'class: Workflow\n' 'steps:\n' ' sleep:\n' ' run: test/sleep.cwl\n' ' in:\n' ' delay:\n' ' default: 60\n' '\n' 'inputs: []\n' '\n' 'outputs: []\n', 'utf-8')
[docs] def local_input(local_baseurl): return '{}'
local_input_files = [] required_num_cores = 0 time_limit = 0 output_files = [] output_content = {} local_output = '{}\n'
[docs]class InstallScriptTestJob: workflow = bytes( '#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner\n' '\n' 'cwlVersion: v1.0\n' 'class: Workflow\n' 'steps:\n' ' test_install:\n' ' run: test/test_install_script.cwl\n' ' out: [output]\n' '\n' 'inputs: []\n' '\n' 'outputs:\n' ' output:\n' ' type: File\n' ' outputSource: test_install/output\n' '\n', 'utf-8')
[docs] def local_input(local_baseurl): return '{}'
local_input_files = [] input_content = {} required_num_cores = 0 time_limit = 0
[docs] def remote_output(job_remote_workdir): return ('{{ "output": {{ "class": "File", "location": "{}/output.txt"' ' }} }}\n').format(job_remote_workdir)
output_files = [File('host', None, 'output.txt', [])] output_content = [('output.txt', b'Testing API installation\n')] local_output = ('{ "host": { "class": "File", "location": "output.txt"' ' } }\n')
[docs]class PartiallyFailingJob: workflow = bytes( '#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner\n' '\n' 'cwlVersion: v1.0\n' 'class: Workflow\n' 'inputs: []\n' 'outputs:\n' ' output:\n' ' type: File\n' ' outputSource: failing/output\n' ' missing_output:\n' ' type: File\n' ' outputSource: failing/missing_output\n' '\n' 'steps:\n' ' failing:\n' ' run: test/partially_failing_step.cwl\n' ' in: []\n' ' out:\n' ' [output, missing_output]\n', 'utf-8')
[docs] def local_input(local_baseurl): return '{}'
local_input_files = [] input_content = {} required_num_cores = 0 time_limit = 0
[docs] def remote_input(job_remote_workdir): return {}
remote_input_files = []
[docs] def remote_output(job_remote_workdir): return ('{{ "output": {{ "class": "File",' ' "location": "{}/output.txt" }},\n' ' "missing_output": null }}\n').format(job_remote_workdir)
output_files = [File('output', None, 'output.txt', [])] output_content = [('output.txt', b'Running on host: hostname\n')] local_output = ('{ "output": { "class": "File", "location": "output.txt"' ' }, "missing_output": null }\n')
[docs]class NoSuchStepJob: workflow = bytes( '#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner\n' '\n' 'cwlVersion: v1.0\n' 'class: Workflow\n' 'steps:\n' ' sleep:\n' ' run: test/no_such_step.cwl\n' ' in:\n' ' delay:\n' ' default: 120\n' '\n' 'inputs: []\n' '\n' 'outputs: []\n', 'utf-8')
[docs] def local_input(local_baseurl): return '{}'
local_input_files = [] input_content = {} required_num_cores = 0 time_limit = 0
[docs] def remote_input(job_remote_workdir): return {}
remote_input_files = []
[docs] def remote_output(job_remote_workdir): return ''
output_files = [] output_content = {} local_output = '{}\n'
[docs]class MissingInputJob: """A broken job that references an input file that doesn't exist. """ workflow = bytes( '#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner\n' '\n' 'cwlVersion: v1.0\n' 'class: Workflow\n' 'inputs:\n' ' file:\n' ' type: File\n' '\n' 'outputs:\n' ' counts:\n' ' type: File\n' ' outputSource: wc/output\n' '\n' 'steps:\n' ' wc:\n' ' run: test/wc.cwl\n' ' in:\n' ' file: file\n' ' out:\n' ' [output]\n', 'utf-8')
[docs] def local_input(local_baseurl): return ('{{ "file": {{ "class": "File", "location":' ' "{}non_existing_file.txt" }} }}').format(local_baseurl)
local_input_files = [File('file', None, 'non_existing_file.txt', [])] input_content = {} required_num_cores = 0 time_limit = 60
[docs] def remote_input(job_remote_workdir): return { 'file': { 'class': 'File', 'location': '{}/01_non_existing_file.txt'.format( job_remote_workdir) } }
remote_input_files = []
[docs]class BrokenJob: """A simple job with no inputs or outputs, and an invalid command. And an invalid scheme in the input description. """ workflow = bytes( '#!/usr/bin/env cwl-runner\n' '\n' 'cwlVersion: v1.0\n' 'class: CommandLineTool\n' 'baseCommand: this_comamnd_does_not_exist\n' 'inputs: []\n' 'outputs: []\n', 'utf-8')
[docs] def local_input(local_base_url): return ('{ "file": { "class": "File", "location":' '"does_not_exist://hello_world.txt" } }')
local_input_files = [] input_content = {} required_num_cores = 0 time_limit = 0
[docs] def remote_input(job_remote_workdir): return {}
remote_input_files = []
[docs] def remote_output(job_remote_workdir): return ''
output_files = [] output_content = {}
[docs]class NoWorkflowJob: """A job without a workflow. """ workflow = None
[docs] def local_input(local_base_url): return '{}'
local_input_files = [] input_content = {} required_num_cores = 0 time_limit = 0
[docs] def remote_input(job_remote_workdir): return {}
remote_input_files = []
[docs] def remote_output(job_remote_workdir): return ''
output_files = [] output_content = {}