Source code for cerise.back_end.remote_job_files

import json
import logging
import re
from typing import Any, Dict, List, cast

import cerulean
from cerulean import Path

from cerise.back_end.cwl import get_files_from_binding
from cerise.back_end.file import File
from cerise.config import Config
from cerise.job_store.sqlite_job_store import SQLiteJobStore

[docs]class RemoteJobFiles: """Manages a remote directory structure. Expects to be given a remote dir to work within. Inside this directory, it makes a jobs/ directory, and inside that there is a directory for every job. Within each job directory are the following files: - jobs/<job_id>/name.txt contains the user-given name of the job - jobs/<job_id>/workflow.cwl contains the workflow to run - jobs/<job_id>/work/ contains input and output files, and is the working directory for the job. - jobs/<job_id>/stdout.txt is the standard output of the CWL runner - jobs/<job_id>/stderr.txt is the standard error of the CWL runner """ def __init__(self, job_store: SQLiteJobStore, config: Config) -> None: """Create a RemoteJobFiles object. Sets up remote directory structure as well, but refuses to create the top-level directory. Args: job_store: The job store to use. config: The configuration. """ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) """Logger: The logger for this class.""" self._job_store = job_store """JobStore: The job store to use.""" self._username = config.get_username('files') """str: The remote user name to use, if any.""" self._basedir = config.get_basedir() """Path: The remote path to the directory where the API files are.""" # Create directories if they don't exist self._logger.debug('basedir: {}'.format(self._basedir)) self._basedir.mkdir(0o750, parents=True, exists_ok=True) (self._basedir / 'jobs').mkdir(parents=True, exists_ok=True)
[docs] def stage_job(self, job_id: str, input_files: List[File], workflow_content: bytes) -> None: """Stage a job. Copies any necessary files to the remote resource. Args: job_id: The id of the job to stage input_files: A list of input files to stage. workflow_content: Translated contents of the workflow to be run. """ self._logger.debug('Staging job ' + job_id) with self._job_store: job = self._job_store.get_job(job_id) # create work dir self._abs_path(job_id, '').mkdir( 0o700, parents=True, exists_ok=True) self._abs_path(job_id, 'work').mkdir( 0o700, parents=True, exists_ok=True) job.remote_workdir_path = str(self._abs_path(job_id, 'work')) # stage name of the job self._add_file_to_job(job_id, 'name.txt','utf-8')) # stage workflow self._add_file_to_job(job_id, 'workflow.cwl', workflow_content) job.remote_workflow_path = str( self._abs_path(job_id, 'workflow.cwl')) # stage input files inputs = json.loads(job.local_input) count = 1 for input_file in input_files: if input_file.index is not None: input_desc = inputs[][input_file.index] else: input_desc = inputs[] count = self._stage_input_file(count, job_id, input_file, input_desc) # stage input description inputs_json = json.dumps(inputs).encode('utf-8') self._add_file_to_job(job_id, 'input.json', inputs_json) job.remote_input_path = str(self._abs_path(job_id, 'input.json')) # configure output job.remote_stdout_path = str(self._abs_path(job_id, 'stdout.txt')) job.remote_stderr_path = str(self._abs_path(job_id, 'stderr.txt')) job.remote_system_out_path = str(self._abs_path(job_id, 'sysout.txt')) job.remote_system_err_path = str(self._abs_path(job_id, 'syserr.txt'))
[docs] def destage_job_output(self, job_id: str) -> List[File]: """Download results of the given job from the compute resource. Args: job_id: The id of the job to download results of. Returns: A list of (name, path, content) tuples. """ self._logger.debug('Destaging job ' + job_id) output_files = [] with self._job_store: job = self._job_store.get_job(job_id) work_dir = self._basedir / 'jobs' / job_id / 'work' self._logger.debug("Remote output: {}".format(job.remote_output)) if job.remote_output != '': outputs = json.loads(job.remote_output) for output_file in get_files_from_binding(outputs): self._logger.debug( 'Destage path = {} for output {}'.format( output_file.location, prefix = 'file://' + str(work_dir) + '/' if not output_file.location.startswith(prefix): raise Exception( 'Unexpected output location in cwl-runner output:' ' {}, expected it to start with: {}' .format(output_file.location, prefix)) output_file.location = output_file.location[len(prefix):] output_file.source = work_dir / output_file.location output_files.append(output_file) else: self._logger.error( 'CWL runner did not produce any output for job {}!'.format( job_id)) # output name and location are (immutable) str's, while source # does not come from the store, so we're not leaking here return output_files
[docs] def delete_job(self, job_id: str) -> None: """Remove the work directory for a job. This will remove the directory and everything in it, if it exists. Args: job_id: The id of the job whose work directory to delete. """ job_dir = self._abs_path(job_id, '') if job_dir.exists(): job_dir.rmdir(recursive=True)
[docs] def update_job(self, job_id: str) -> None: """Get status from remote resource and update store. Args: job_id: ID of the job to get the status of. """ self._logger.debug("Updating " + job_id + " from remote files") with self._job_store: job = self._job_store.get_job(job_id) # get output output = self._read_remote_file(job_id, 'stdout.txt') if len(output) > 0: self._logger.debug("Output:") self._logger.debug(output) job.remote_output = output.decode() # get log log = self._read_remote_file(job_id, 'stderr.txt') if len(log) > 0: lines = log.decode().splitlines() last_lines = job.remote_error.splitlines() first_new_line = len(last_lines) job.debug(lines[first_new_line:]) job.remote_error = log.decode()
def _stage_input_file(self, count: int, job_id: str, input_file: File, input_desc: Dict[str, Any]) -> int: """Stage an input file. Copies the file to the remote resource. Uses count to create unique file names, returns the new count \ (i.e. the next available number). Args: count: The next available unique count job_id: The job id to stage for input_file: The input file to stage input_desc: The input description whose location \ (and secondaryFiles) to update. Returns: The updated count """ staged_name = _create_input_filename( str(count).zfill(2), input_file.location) count += 1 with self._job_store: job = self._job_store.get_job(job_id)'Staging input file {}'.format(input_file.location)) target_path = self._abs_path(job_id, 'work/{}'.format(staged_name)) cerulean.copy(cast(Path, input_file.source), target_path) input_desc['location'] = str( self._abs_path(job_id, 'work/' + staged_name)) for i, secondary_file in enumerate(input_file.secondary_files): sec_input_desc = input_desc['secondaryFiles'][i] count = self._stage_input_file(count, job_id, secondary_file, sec_input_desc) return count def _add_file_to_job(self, job_id: str, rel_path: str, data: bytes) -> None: """Write a file on the remote resource containing the given raw data. Args: job_id: The id of the job to write data for rel_path: A path relative to the job's directory data: The data to write """ remote_path = self._abs_path(job_id, rel_path) remote_path.write_bytes(data) def _read_remote_file(self, job_id: str, rel_path: str) -> bytes: """Read data from a remote file. Silently returns an empty result if the file does not exist. Args: job_id: A job from whose work dir a file is read rel_path: A path relative to the job's directory """ try: return self._abs_path(job_id, rel_path).read_bytes() except FileNotFoundError: return bytes() def _abs_path(self, job_id: str, rel_path: str) -> Path: """Return an absolute remote path given a job-relative path. Args: job_id: A job from whose dir a file is read rel_path: A a path relative to the job's directory """ ret = self._basedir / 'jobs' / job_id if rel_path != '': ret /= rel_path return ret
def _create_input_filename(unique_prefix: str, orig_path: str) -> str: """Return a string containing a remote filename that resembles the original path this file was submitted with. Args: unique_prefix: A unique prefix, used to avoid collisions. orig_path: A string we will try to resemble to aid debugging. """ result = orig_path result.replace('/', '_') result.replace('?', '_') result.replace('&', '_') result.replace('=', '_') regex = re.compile('[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+') result = regex.sub('_', result) if len(result) > 39: result = result[:18] + '___' + result[-18:] return unique_prefix + '_' + result