Source code for cerise.back_end.local_files

import json
import logging
import urllib
from typing import List, cast

import cerulean
import requests
from cerulean import LocalFileSystem, Path, WebdavFileSystem

from cerise.back_end.cwl import get_files_from_binding
from cerise.back_end.file import File
from cerise.config import Config
from cerise.job_store.sqlite_job_store import SQLiteJobStore

ConnectionError = requests.exceptions.ConnectionError

[docs]class LocalFiles: def __init__(self, job_store: SQLiteJobStore, config: Config) -> None: """Create a LocalFiles object. Sets up local directory structure as well. Args: job_store: The job store to use config: The configuration. """ self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) """The logger for this class.""" self._job_store = job_store """The job store to get jobs from.""" self._basedir = config.get_store_location_service() """The directory used to exchange data with the client.""" self._baseurl = config.get_store_location_client() """The externally accessible base URL corresponding to the _basedir.""" self._basedir.mkdir(exists_ok=True) (self._basedir / 'input').mkdir(exists_ok=True) (self._basedir / 'output').mkdir(exists_ok=True)
[docs] def resolve_secondary_files(self, secondary_files: List[File]) -> None: """Makes a File object for each secondary file. Works recursively, so nested secondaryFiles work. Args: secondary_files: List of secondary files. Returns: Resulting Files, with contents. """ for secondary_file in secondary_files: self._logger.debug("Resolving secondary file from " + secondary_file.location) secondary_file.source = self._get_source_from_url( secondary_file.location) self.resolve_secondary_files(secondary_file.secondary_files)
[docs] def resolve_input(self, job_id: str) -> List[File]: """Resolves input (workflow and input files) for a job. This function will read the job from the database, add a .workflow_content attribute with the contents of the workflow, and return a list of File objects describing the input files. This function will accept local file:// URLs as well as remote http:// URLs. Args: job_id: The id of the job whose input to resolve. Returns: A list of File objects to stage. """ self._logger.debug("Resolving input for job " + job_id) with self._job_store: job = self._job_store.get_job(job_id) self._logger.debug('Resolving workflow input from {}'.format( job.workflow)) job.workflow_content = self._get_source_from_url( job.workflow).read_bytes() inputs = json.loads(job.local_input) input_files = get_files_from_binding(inputs) for input_file in input_files: self._logger.debug( "Resolving file for input {} from {}".format(, input_file.location)) input_file.source = self._get_source_from_url( input_file.location) self.resolve_secondary_files(input_file.secondary_files) return input_files
[docs] def create_output_dir(self, job_id: str) -> None: """Create an output directory for a job. Args: job_id: The id of the job to make a work directory for. """ (self._basedir / 'output' / job_id).mkdir()
[docs] def delete_output_dir(self, job_id: str) -> None: """Delete the output directory for a job. This will remove the directory and everything in it. Args: job_id: The id of the job whose output directory to delete. """ job_dir = self._basedir / 'output' / job_id if job_dir.is_dir(): job_dir.rmdir(recursive=True)
[docs] def publish_job_output(self, job_id: str, output_files: List[File]) -> None: """Write output files to the local output dir for this job. Uses the .output_files property of the job to get data, and updates its .output property with URLs pointing to the newly published files, then sets .output_files to None. Args: job_id: The id of the job whose output to publish. output_files: List of output files to publish. """ self._logger.debug("Publishing output for job " + job_id) job_dir = self._basedir / 'output' / job_id with self._job_store: job = self._job_store.get_job(job_id) if output_files != []: output = json.loads(job.remote_output) self.create_output_dir(job_id) for outf in output_files: out_file = job_dir / outf.location cerulean.copy(cast(Path, outf.source), out_file) output[]['location'] = self._to_external_url( 'output/' + job_id + '/' + outf.location) output[]['path'] = str(out_file) job.local_output = json.dumps(output)
def _get_source_from_url(self, url: str) -> Path: """Return the source referenced by a URL. This function will accept local file:// URLs as well as remote http:// URLs. If a URL starts with the client-side location of the file exchange store, the service-side location is substituted before trying to access the file. Args: url: The URL to get the content of Returns: A Path for the file, so it can be copied, and a file system if one was made specially and it needs to be closed when we're done staging. """ if self._baseurl and url.startswith(self._baseurl): source = self._basedir / url[len(self._baseurl):] return source else: parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if parsed_url.scheme == 'file': if self._baseurl is None: source = LocalFileSystem() / parsed_url.path return source else: raise ValueError('Cerise is configured to only accept' ' local files from {}'.format( self._baseurl)) elif parsed_url.scheme == 'http': base_url, _, name = parsed_url.path.rpartition('/') fs = WebdavFileSystem('http://{}'.format(base_url)) # Note that the fs leaks here, it won't be closed, which # is okay because the HTTP server will drop the connection # quickly anyway, and the fs will be deleted when the path # disappears after staging by refcount or gc. return fs / name else: raise ValueError('Invalid scheme {} in input URL: {}'.format( parsed_url.scheme, url)) def _write_to_output_file(self, job_id: str, rel_path: str, data: bytes) -> str: """Write the data to a local file. Args: job_id: The id of the job to write data for rel_path: A path relative to the job's output directory data: The data to write Returns: An external URL that points to the file """ (self._basedir / 'output' / job_id / rel_path).write_bytes(data) return self._to_external_url('output/' + job_id + '/' + rel_path) def _to_external_url(self, rel_path: str) -> str: return self._baseurl + '/' + rel_path